


The Paleo-energetic LAB, what is it?

The paleo Lab is the experimental part of the research program. A veritable court of energy innovations, the idea is to reassess and reinterpret the patents that have fallen into the public domain, or even to consider updating them… As with the project Regen Box resulting from paleo-energetic research which is under development, to find here.

La Paillasse is a biohackerspace, a community laboratory for citizen technologies and biotechnologies, which has just moved into new 750m2 premises at 226 rue Saint Denis in Paris. The community of La Paillasse is made up of enthusiasts from very diverse backgrounds who share a curiosity for biology and biotechnology and a desire to learn and create together their own projects around the life sciences by injecting their skills into it. personal. You will meet there, coming from all disciplines, geeks, doctoral students, students, hackers, designers, artists, engineers, researchers, sociologists, philosophers… The biohackerspace La Paillasse is the first modern biology laboratory in France open to all. La Paillasse also reflects on open research, this open research which already shows by example that participation and collaboration are one of the factors of successful research.

For these first unearthed inventions, including a project with bacteria, La Paillasse welcomes the Paléo-énergétique Lab which will offer the community of bio-hackers the opportunity to get their hands on a bacterium.



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